Full Review: The DeLonghi Magnifica ESAM3300 Automatic Espresso Machine

Out of sheer curiosity, I went to the Amazon website the other day to see which DeLonghi model would come up as ranking first for the search term – “DeLonghi Coffeemaker“. Coming in at number 1, was the Magnifica ESAM3300 super-automatic espresso machine.
Needless to say, anything ranking first in DeLonghi coffee machines is worthy of any review. So the following is a complete breakdown of why this auto-espresso machine has been a best seller for quite a few years.
Introducing the Magnifica ESAM3300
This super-automatic espresso machine can make you any kind of coffee but for people who love drinking espressos as their main coffee choice, then read on because the DeLonghi Magnifica ESAM3300 is something you may be very interested in looking at.

Also if you’ve got the budget to purchase something more high-end for the sake of luxury while saving time messing around trying to make the perfect espresso – (which can be viewed as a real chore for some and a complicated science for others) then you’ll be interesting learning more about this coffee machine.
More than just for espressos
While a lot of consumers purchase the DeLonghi Magnifica ESAM3300 are lovers of espressos, it can actually be used for a number of other coffee beverages. In addition, nearly any hot beverage can be brewed with this automatic espresso machine including latte and cappuccino.
Gourmet coffee is also a breeze to make, as this machine can also be used with fresh coffee beans or ground coffee. It is capable of holding up to 1.8 litres of water at one time, so consumers can brew between one to four cups of beverages. The machine’s hot water dispenser makes it ideal for making instant oatmeal, herbal tea or hot chocolate as well.
Great things about the Delonghi Maginfica
One of the biggest advantages of this super-automatic is it’s patented “direct to brew” system. This feature allows beans to be ground as they are being used, providing the freshest cup of coffee possible. The DeLonghi Magnifica ESAM3300 also meticulously blends steaming hot water with cream to create the perfect froth for espresso.
Double Boiler System
It also has a double boiler system, which allows customers the opportunity to brew espresso and cappuccino at the same time. The coffee machine’s controls are easy to operate whether using this machine for espresso, latte, coffee, or cappuccino. There is a programmable feature included for more precise brewing.
Any negative issues to report?
It’s noted by many buyers that this machine can make a great deal of noise when brewing beverages, especially frothy ones. The DeLonghi Magnifica ESAM3300 also releases a few ounces of water whenever it is turned off and on. It needs to be disassembled and cleaned on a regular basis, which can sometimes be time-consuming and annoying for those with busy lives.
Only high-quality beans should be used when brewing coffee. This is because low-quality beans may contain a great deal of oil that could eventually clog some of the interior parts. Buying the right ingredients for espresso or cappuccino is also important, and these products may not be readily available in supermarkets.
Main Magnifica ESAM3300 Features:
The Magnifica ESAM3300 has a range of high-end automated and design features including:
- Decalcification (descaling) System
- Instant Reheat Function
- Double boiler
- Piped espresso boiler
- 3-hour automatic shutoff timer
- Cup warming plate
- Removable drip tray
- Cappuccino frother
- Selector for brewing one or more cups
- Seven separate grind settings
- Hot rinse cycle
- Adjustable height spout
- Energy-saving and temperature control modes
Noted ESAM3300 Specifics:
The DeLonghi Magnifica ESAM3300 is 14 inches tall, 11 inches wide, and 15 inches deep. It is constructed from stainless steel surrounded by sturdy black plastic to give it a classic look that will complement any décor. The front of this equipment has an easy to use a nozzle for dispensing beverages along with display buttons that are easy to read. It also has stainless steel knobs and drip tray.
Plenty of Positive Buyer Reviews
Customers who purchased the DeLonghi Magnifica ESAM3300 generally raved that this DeLonghi super-automatic model was an excellent value for the money when compared with other machines that can make espressos automatically.
They were also impressed with how easy this appliance was to operate or use. Most users thought it delivered an exceptionally tasty beverage no matter what variety they wanted to brew. Most consumers also say that it’s an attractive appliance to be proud of on their kitchen countertops.
Negative Buyer Reviews?
One of the most common negative reviews given concerning the DeLonghi Magnifica ESAM3300 was mechanical related. Many people were discouraged to find their machine did not operate properly shortly after making their purchase. When contacting the company, customers were disappointed to find the warranty did not cover certain repairs to this DeLonghi espresso machine – but it’s noted that usually, those parts are minor and not that expensive to replace.
Those who chose to have repairs done on their own reported that it was extremely expensive to do so. Another common complaint involved the poor customer service many people received from the manufacturer’s customer service representatives.
You can read more buyer reviews on the Delonghi ESAM3300

Conclusion on the DeLonghi Maginfica ESAM3300 – is it worth the extra cost?
People who enjoy drinking coffee or espressos made from automated and elaborate machines are usually following through to purchase in the DeLonghi Magnifica ESAM3300. It has been a best seller online for quite a long period of time, which means it continues to deliver a performance not matched by other competing brands in this class.
By deluxe appliance standards, you’d expect consumers can make delicious espresso any time at a fraction of what it would cost to purchase this beverage at a gourmet coffee shop. The ESAM3300 definitely doesn’t disappoint in that area of capabilities.
This DeLonghi super-automatic machine is an ideal way to prepare high-quality espresso and cappuccinos. It’s easy to understand why DeLonghi’s Magnifica ESAM3300 model is ranked #1 for Delonghi coffeemakers at Amazon. You can get it or read more about it at the Amazon product page via the link below: